Friday, July 20, 2012

Creation Psalms

What up everybody?!! Sorry this is late, busy week. VBS, wedding, plus everything else that goes on at church! It's been a lot and I'm glad it's almost over. This week Pastor Bruce spoke about Creation Psalms and the glory of God. A lot of worship songs are based on creations psalms. Majestic by Lincoln Brewster comes of mind.

"Oh Lord, Our Lord
How majestic is your Name in all the earth."

That's awesome. Creation psalms, for me, emphasize the transcendence of God. He is so much greater, bigger, powerful, than I am. What that saying? A speck, on a flea, on a rat.... yup, that's me. I am glad that I worship a God that is bigger than I am. That actually has control of my life when I feel like it's spinning out of control. He is great and greatly to be praised.

On July 28th, there is an event at Horse Shoe Lake called Praise In The Park. The worship team is playing for this event as well as other area churches. Should be a great time! 6:00 PM. Hopefully I will see you there!

Here For You - Matt Redman
Alive and Running - Kristian Stanfill
Exalted One - Elevation Worship
Hosanna - Brooke Fraser
To The Cross - Paul Baloche

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